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Alarm Logging & Notification

Alarm Logging & Notification

Set simple or complex alarm conditions and trigger notifications via email, SMS, or voice mail. System alarms can be logged for historical analysis, and displayed in real time within .NET, web, and other applications using EAS Developer Tools and APIs.

A white background with a few lines on it

Product Overview 

With EAS Alarm Logging and Notification, you can capture events on each data point, log to open formats for historical analysis and archiving, and trigger real time notifications. Each notification can be sent via one or more methods, including email, SMS text messages, and voice mail.

A diagram of a system with a hexagon in the middle

Alarms can be enabled to monitor both analog and digital signals with fixed, adjustable, and tracking alarm limits. Alarm limits can be defined for high high, high, low, low low, rate of change, and digital alarms. Further customize your alarm conditions with a dead band, and even automate the tracking of alarm conditions to disable or enable them based on time of day or any other value within the system. OPC UA and OPC Alarm and Events can also be a source of alarms along with all EAS IoT data sources.

Product Features

A black and white icon of a cylinder with an arrow pointing down.

Data Historian

Log data in open format to MS SQL Server, Oracle, mySQL, PostgreSQL, InfluxDB, MongoDB, SQLite, MariaDB, Access, SQL Azure, Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Google Firebase, and CSV files

A black and white icon of a phone , envelope , and speech bubble.

Universal Data Connector

The core of the EAS Platform, enabling data connectivity, server-to-server networking, and more

A black and white icon of a hexagon surrounded by circles and dots.

Device & Data Connectors

Read and write data to Allen Bradley, Siemens, and Modbus devices, Universal Drivers, OPC, OPC UA, databases, Excel, and read MTConnect.

A black and white icon of a cloud connected to a hexagon.

IoT Connectors

Connect to cloud-base IoT gateways such as AWS, Azure IoT, and MQTT

A black and white icon of two squares on a white background.

Visualization Tools

Build custom Visualizations, User Interfaces, HMIs and Dashboards for Windows, web, as well as native iOS and Android devices

A pair of black brackets on a white background.


Develop custom automation apps for Windows, web, and mobile devices. Integrate with .NET and REST APIs. Build custom integrated device drivers.

A black and white drawing of a hexagon with a star in the middle.

Networking Features

Provides the most robust, scalable, and reliable distributed networking platform for IIoT solutions

Supported Alarm

Data Sources

EAS supports a large library of Industry 4.0 data sources including Allen Bradley and Siemens PLCs, Modbus and MTConnect devices, OPC UA and DA Servers and Clients, Databases, applications, and more. Once connected, data from any source can be monitored, triggering Alarms for logging, notification, and visualization.

Feature Details

  • Log Alarms to SQL Server, Azure SQL, Oracle, Access, mySQL, SQL Azure, MongoDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, and CSV files
  • Notify users of alarm activity to virtually any client destination
  • Voice messaging 
  • SMS Text message 
  • Email 
  • Summarize alarm totals per area, priority, and type
  • Access both local and remote alarms
  • Supports on-line modification
  • Associate documents with alarms
  • Visualize and interact with real time alarms with Developer Tools & APIs   
  • View and Acknowledge Alarms
  • Provide links to your own documentation for inline operator event handling
  • Operator Input from the alarm screen
  • Log operator comments with alarm or event condition

Alarm Visualization

  • View and Acknowledge Alarms
  • Add Operator Comments to Alarms
  • View Alarm Documentation
  • Filter and Customize Alarms based on priority, status, and more

Alarm .NET 

The EAS Alarm .NET product provides real-time alarming for WinForm and WPF applications. The interactive control allows users to visualize, filter, and manage real time and historical alarms.

Web Alarm 

The EAS Web Alarm product allows you to display real time and historical alarms in an interactive table, viewable on any device with a web browser.

A computer monitor a tablet a cell phone and a laptop


EAS is deployed as Distributed Network Architecture providing on-premise alarm processing.

A black and white drawing of a cloud and the words eas

Data transport over LAN, WAN, and Internet.

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