Internet of Things (or Internet Of Things, or IoT) is a concept that is based on the interconnection (through the Internet) of the objects of our day-to-day life.
In addition to the concrete examples of the Internet of Things that we have just discussed, there are developments that will allow certain sectors to be significantly improved. Which? We discuss them below:
Hostelry. In this sense, there are already fast food restaurants that notify you when your food is ready. Furthermore, from a management point of view, food stores have a lot to say. Prevention of food expiration, necessities, automatic orders … all this has a lot of room for improvement. It should be noted that the Powerhouse Dynamics company offers a powerful application for this sector that allows controlling, monitoring and managing centralized air conditioning equipment, lighting, refrigeration equipment or the detection of water misuse.
Shops. Thanks to IoT applications, certain questions are being answered, such as how often does a customer come? What time? what buy? Where does it come from? How much time do you spend shopping? Thanks to the Internet of things, it is possible to know the behavior of users, and what is more interesting, to be able to predict them. Logically, all this with the aim of monetizing it.
Smart cities. Paris 2050 is an ambitious project that the French capital has approved. The objective is to reduce gas emissions, for this they plan to rebuild a neighborhood in the center of Paris. Its “star plate” will be bioclimatic buildings that generate energy. Let’s hope they serve as an example for the rest of the world!